Nickel but not yet fully Amon taste at this point it really is over time I got used to his schecter and I do not regret it.Ĩcordes for this design, you might think that the highs were left out. I used a complete configuration Diezel VH4 / diezel 212r The schecter will tend to be more withdrawn but offer a perfectly control which ultimately crowd out this side 'stale'. I found my ESP broader level sounds perfect but too shrill. What is nice is that the strings are not glued to the other, the space between is calculated correctly and does not interfere with the game
I have a big preference for 27 'baritone. This guitar is well proportioned but can small for my taste. I had this before and it was big but very enjoyable to play.Īccess to acute is easy, the handle allows a rapid transition from the bottom to the top of it. If you want a big stick go for a ride on the side of the ESP sc608 bk. Handle compared to what is said on the net is very nice and is not nearly as impressive as they say! Schecter Blackjack ATX specifications C8 black satin: